These days, many people define an illness by the symptoms that present themselves.  But this assumption gets confused when you consider there are many symptoms that show up in multiple illnesses.  A patient’s chronic headaches might be associated with a structural misalignment in the upper spine, a viral infection such as influenza, a tumor growing in the brain, a disruption in the vascular system, or after an emotional trauma.  Long term stomach distress could be the result of an unbalanced biome, food allergy, emotional upheaval or deficiencies of digestive enzymes.  These, of course, are only a few examples of conditions that may cause headache or upset stomach or some other chronic symptom.  The list is endless, and for each individual, knowing more about the source is essential to curing it.

The notion that ‘symptoms are not equal to the disease’ doesn’t make an evaluation of our health needs more complicated, but it does make it more accurate.  Consider a woman who has had a bone scan which reveals she has osteopenia (a condition of low bone density but not severe enough to be called osteoporosis).  This can result in fragile bones more prone to fracture easily.  A common prescription for this diagnosis is to increase the amount of calcium in her diet and supplementation.  This can help, but only if that woman’s low bone density is the result of her not getting sufficient calcium in her daily regimen.  There are other potential reasons she might have low bone density.  She may be getting adequate calcium, but for some reason is not assimilating it properly.  If this is the case, taking all the calcium in the world will not address her problem, it will only support the calcium supplement industry.  Or she may be low in Vitamin D, which is essential for healthy bones and the absorption of calcium.  Weight bearing exercise, a nutritious diet, and a healthy biome are also very important factors in creating optimal bone density.  All of these considerations lead us to understand that the symptom (low bone density) is not the disease, rather, it is the result of the disease.  In order to cure this woman’s problem, we must make sure what is causing it.  That’s where it all begins.  Then we can apply the proper protocols and remedies to heal it.

To be clear, symptoms are the expression of the body’s attempt to overcome trauma or disease, or to heal itself.  So, this disease state actually precedes the symptoms.  A shift takes place in the basic well-being of a person, whether on a physical, mental and/or emotional level, and this triggers the manifestation of particular symptoms.  Simply eliminating these symptoms doesn’t eradicate the disease state, but it does silence the message the body is sending to reveal what it needs to do to heal itself.  The symptoms help direct us to the deeper disturbance which must be addressed in order to restore that person to a healthy state.

Consider the common symptom of pain, which is an important way the body lets us know something is wrong.  It usually is an early warning sign that something needs our attention.  It can help us locate the site of a problem, or it can hinder us from doing things that would only exacerbate our condition.  So, while a pain reliever may bring a welcomed reprieve for someone suffering a headache or inflamed joints or the onset of a throat infection, the pain will simply return unless further steps are taken to identify and resolve the underlying issue that produces that pain.  Again, the elimination of symptoms does not necessarily mean that a person has been cured.  But it does cut off the channels of communication that assist in treating what ails them.

This is a fundamental principal that guides the focus and process you will experience at Naturopathic Athlete.  The ‘toolbox’ Dr. Ben Zorensky, ND has to work with is varied and effective.  Every person who walks in the door brings their own unique story and set of concerns.  Dr. Zorensky, ND will draw on these details to frame the individualized program to improve his/her well-being.  Together he and his patients follow their progress as symptoms subside - not because they were superficially removed, but because their underlying cause has been addressed.   Why is this important?  Because this accomplishes not only an end to the plaguing symptomatic complaints, but the restoration of health and the reinforcement of one’s vitality - which lessens susceptibility to other health problems in the future.
